Archive for April 16th, 2013

Flawed arguments by Gerakan/MCA leaders

For the past few days, a few Gerakan and MCA members and leaders had issued statements or had taken to the social media to spread their message that by not voting in their parties’ candidates this coming general election, the result the Malaysian chinese will get in the new Federal government will be an under-representation of Chinese leaders.

“Fear” and “Race” card

Firstly, this is an desperate attempt by leaders of Gerakan and MCA to urge voters to support them. To achieve this goal, these leaders use the BN’s all time favorite “fear” and “race” cards, in the hope of scaring Chinese voters into not voting for the multiracial slate of candidates of Pakatan Rakyat (PR), with the unfounded fear of lacking Chinese leaders in the new government.

In a multiracial and multicultural society as Malaysia is, no truly multiracial or multicultural parties/coalitions will send such statements to win votes. Afterall, a truly multiracial and multicultural party or coalition will naturally have candidates that speak out for all Malaysians regardless of race, language, or religion without any slightest signs of fear or favour, not just for the Malaysian Chinese as Gerakan and MCA seem to be by virtue of their statements.

Of course, I’ve stated in previous blogposts which highlights that Pakatan Rakyat is a true multiracial and multicultural coalition compared to Barisan Nasional.

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